Friday, July 31, 2009

We have arrived

I know we're late to the Blogging party~ but between my Snapfish addiction & Andrew's website activites, I thought we were covered. Honestly, though, I get such a kick out of "The Daily Dane" and I often cyber-stalk "Planet Howard" & "Blendermann Lane" so I figured it's only fair that I throw stuff into the ether, too. Besides- it might help me abstain from sending too many snapfish pictures of my kids- keeping you all up on how cute they are without having to listen to me ramble on & on (you can just stop reading if you've heard enough!)

So here we go:

Tonight we had a fantastic night! We went to dinner (that I didn't have to cook.) We listened to an outdoor concert at a little neighborhood festival (where there weren't a million bugs.) We went to a cute little place called "Choo-Choo" (a little theme diner where the food arrives at the counter on a train) for ice cream. We played in a sprinkler before coming home. The kids behaved amazingly, the weather was beautiful, dinner was tasty, and everyone's in bed relatively early & easily! FUN TIMES!

Okay, so the picture wasn't from tonight~ it was from this month, though. It's from the last time we went out to see an outdoor concert with the kids. Apparently, they are big fans of outside & big fans of music!

Okay- experimental post complete! I'll share more next time.

1 comment:

  1. I happened on here by clicking your profile! Glad to see you've joined the likes of us in world Blogger. What a great way to show off the adorable kiddos. Looking forward to many future posts.
    Thanks for the shout-out! ;)
