Friday, February 19, 2010

Not the best- but here it is- it's a start

This is my experiment.
This is not the best video clip. Not the best image of my girl (she walked better than this a few minutes later.) My boy isn't even in this one. I have about 50 video clips to sort & figure out if I know how to edit them... and to see if I can share them.  So... did it work???


  1. It works! Doesn't Blogger suck at videos?! It's why I've been slack at posting!
    She's so big and moving so well. Definitely brings back memories and pushes all my baby buttons!
    And are you bribing her with a marshmallow? Starting them young, huh? ;o)

  2. It was actually a piece of Fannie May chocolate from "Grampa's Valentine Box." My Dad goes CRAZY for Valentine's day. He gets my Mom a 2 pound box of chocolates, each of his deaughters a 1 pound box, and each of the grandkids gets a 1/2 pound box. ALL THEIR OWN with each piece hand picked especially for them. For example, he makes sure that I get some dark chocolate & no chocolate covered fruit, and my sister gets nuts, etc. We limit the candy intake for the kids (one piece at night as a treat for dessert after dinner, etc) so it lasts a long time. But I remember as a kid eating half my box on Valentines day & then wanting to tear into my sister's box. I guess that's why the lecture about how "we share everything in this house, but you don't have to share Grampa's box of chocolates because he picked it special for you" came so naturally to me! I probably heard it every single year growing up!
    ...and yes- Blogspot stinks at videos. I thought I used to see a little film strip option next to the insert image button, but it doesn't seem to be there anymore. I guess Youtube works okay too... just an extra step.

  3. You're a very brave mama. DT still gets no candy, except for what people sneak him. We've become a little more lenient, but I SWEAR, he can have 2 Smarties and be bouncing off the walls!!!
    That is seriously the sweetest thing in the world about your dad and the chocolate. Sooo cute!
